Thursday, May 22, 2008

A Quick Ending to my Blog

Well, I had expected to really keep this up, but in the ever changing, fast paced technology world of today there is always something better coming along. I am going to sign off of Annzbooks with this link to my account and invite you to join me by creating your own "shelf". What I like about Shelfari (over Librarything) is the option to create a shelf of books that I want to read and what librarian doesn't have a list a mile long plus it is FREE! Right now my shelves are rather bare, but that will soon change since I only started playing on the site a week ago. Come join me. . .

Monday, May 19, 2008

Twenty Wishes

Twenty Wishes is the latest Blossom Street book and this one features Anne Marie Roche, owner of the Blossom Street Bookstore and some of the other women who frequent the yarn store. The story begins with a meeting of 4 widows who decide they need to create a list of 20 wishes to give them a focus and something to dream about. In her typical fashion Macomber weaves together the stories of Lillie Higgins and her daughter Barbie and friend Elise Beaumont. Anne Marie becomes involved with a school lunch buddy program and "adopts" Ellen, Lillie meets a mechanic and Barbie becomes involved with a difficult paraplegic. Of course the stories all end happily and many of the wishes are fulfilled.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

The Penderwicks on Gardam Street

The much anticipated sequel to The Penderwicks is just as delightful as the original. The Penderwicks are 4 sisters Rosalind, Skye, Jane and Batty and their father. Their mother had died from cancer shortly after Batty was born and she had given their Aunt Claire a letter for their father to be given 4 years in the future when it is time for him to begin dating. Jeanne Birdsall has a knack for writing in a style remniscent of my childhood favorite Edward Eager an even refers to his books in the story. What an interesting, well educated fun family the Penderwicks are. Hopefully they will be back again soon.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Loving Frank

Loving Frank is the romantic story of Mamah Borthwick Cheney, the mistress of architect Frank Lloyd Wright. Set between the years of 1907 - 1914 during the early women's movement and when divorce was quite the scandal, first time novelist Nancy Horan, artfully tells the struggles of a woman caught between romance and duty to her family. The characters of Mamah and Frank leap of the page and leave the reader curious where the line between fact and fiction falls. Thankfully the paperback edition includes a Reader's Discussion Guide and Conversation with the Author.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Trouble in Spades

I typically don't read cozy mysteries, but Heather Webber was appearing at the Writer's Live luncheon so I figured I should read one of her books. This was the second in a series featuring Nina Quinn a landscaper who has a knack for getting involved in mysteries. Although it isn't what I normally read, it was a quick little humorous book. In person, Heather Webber was a wonderful speaker who shared her struggles with getting published.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

What happened to Cass McBride?

Gail Giles writes masterful, suspenseful and thought provoking thrillers geared for teens. Kyle Kirby buries Cass McBride alive to seek revenge for her role in his brother, David's suicide. Told in chapters from alternating viewpoints -- that of Kyle, Cass, and a police detective, Ben, we come to learn what has pushed Kyle to this point. Is Cass guiltless or is her similarity to his mother what causes Kyle to go to this extreme? The author provides an excellent Reader's Guide in the back for discussion.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Hold Tight

The latest from Harlan Coben brings back Loren Muse from The Woods, but in a very minor role. This was not one of his best efforts. There was just too much going on and it took a while to like the main characters. There are lots of intertwining storylines: a teacher who has verbally abused a student, parents who are using spyware to keep tabs on their teenage son, another teenager who has committed suicide, a neighbor whose son has leukemia, and a crazy guy who is killing women -- believe it or not they are all tied together at the end. All in all it seemed a bit farfetched that this much could be going on in their small town.